
Identifying Your Target Audience

What is a Target Audience?

A targeted audience on social media is a group of people defined by their specific behaviors and demographics. Brands promote content built to tend to their audience’s needs, and because of that, individuals feel more attached to the brand.

Start by brainstorming what your target demographics are. Who is your exemplary customer? Get as specific as possible by recognizing age, gender, education, work, where they live, interests, aspirations, and whether or not they have kids - really anything to help get to know who you are after when it comes to business. 

You can use this information to determine what your followers enjoy seeing versus what they do not enjoy seeing. Don’t forget to engage with your followers by commenting and liking not only on your content and theirs, but also look to interact with your potential audience!

Measuring Social Media Reach

Now, say you’ve already pushed out curated content for the specific brand to fit the target audience. Of course, you want to see how that content performed to ensure that you’re reaching the right people. For example, a post you make about video games would do better than a video on how to mow lawns if your initial target audience were people who enjoyed online gaming. Looking at your engagement insights can give you an idea of the effectiveness of the content being published. 

Survey Your Audience

For the purposes of optimizing your social media segments, you need to know where your audience spends their time online. Ask your current followers questions like this:

  • What social media sites do you regularly use?

  • What form of content do you prefer? (video, graphics, etc.)

  • What people do you follow or pay attention to online?

It never hurts to reach out to your audience and ask them the questions - chances are they will enjoy giving you feedback and sharing their opinion. 

Determining your social media target audience is an essential step in generating successful marketing strategies. This can help you focus your efforts on the right social media platforms and posts. Once you've found your target audience, you can create a well-balanced content plan that appeals to them and begin drafting brand guidelines.