
What Business Relationships Should I Pursue?

As a new business owner, there are so many different relationships that you are trying to build. From relationships with investors and competitors to those with previous connections, you may feel a little lost as to who to focus on the most. While it’s different for every business, there are a couple of key relationships that, if given the right amount of care and attention, can flourish in a way that will best benefit your business.

Client Relationships

According to IT Glue, keeping good relationships with your clients may seem like a no-brainer at first. You need clients, so why wouldn’t you maintain those relationships? While it’s true that your clients should be one of your top priorities, it’s surprising how easy it is to let some clients fall through the cracks especially if they discontinue your services for whatever reason.

But maintaining this relationship, checking in occasionally, or sending various gifts can help you build a rapport with that individual that could result in them turning to you again in the future or in their recommending you to another friend in need of services like yours.

Fellow Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to feel like you are trying to take on the world all by yourself. Keeping in touch with other entrepreneurs can help you feel a sense of comradery as you all work to develop and grow your respective businesses.

According to the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce, talking with others in your situation can help you find the people you need to be successful. As you build this network of entrepreneurs, you may find that you are more likely and willing to help each other out than other more established businesses may be.

Legal Experts

In addition to staying in touch with different entrepreneurs, according to Mighty, it’s important that you also maintain good relationships with trusted legal counsel. You may not be currently facing pressing legal concerns and you are hopefully not planning to face any in the near future, but you never know when you may run into a situation where you need some legal advice.

Additionally, it’s also important to think about having a lawyer who you can ask about even relatively small changes or expansions to your company. Why? Because even changes that seem small could have major legal repercussions.

Building business connections can be difficult. Building those connections as a new company can be even more difficult. But starting with these suggestions and then building off the connections you start to make can get your network expanding rapidly.

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