
Getting Started: Going Live On FB

There are very few activities for marketers to engage online that can be as effective for branding and exposure as going live. The most relevant and reliable aspect of this is that you can engage your audience in ways that are not possible with other strategies.

With that said, there is an element of fear that people experience when they consider going live. They are afraid they will freeze, that they will say something embarrassing, that people will try to mock them, etc. Going live on social media is the closest thing to speaking in public offline, so the element of feeling nervous is present.

The best way to overcome this is to be prepared for your streaming sessions. This will allow you to achieve outstanding results, and you will be able to gain the confidence to improve and create even more engaging content in future streams.

The following tips will help you get started on the right track when you decide to go live on Facebook.

Announce your stream at least one day earlier

A great way to engage the live streaming process is to always announce your streams at least 24 hours before the event. Then it would help if you also reminded people with a post within 1 hour of the event. Doing this will ensure that a fair number of people will be ready when you start streaming.

Take some time to practice what you are going to say

There is no need to practice this, like scripting what you will say word by word. The idea is to practice the core elements of the message that you want to get across, so everything will be smooth when you go live.

Let other people join the conversation

You could allow participants to join you in this conversation, or you could also invite other people from your business to join in for a specific topic. Regardless of what you choose to do, the idea is to give this process a more dynamic approach.

Choose an appropriate hour to go live

The hour you decide to go live will play a major role in the results you get. This will depend on your audience, but too early and too late in the day are never good choices. Make sure that you learn the optimal hours to post depending on the target demographic.  

Do a test on your camera quality

Today, most phone cameras have a very decent resolution, but it is still a good idea to test going live and make sure that the video and sound quality will be optimal. Keep in mind that your internet is also going to affect image resolution. 

Final thoughts

Going live on Facebook is one of the best moves that anyone can make when creating more brand awareness. It’s essential to be prepared for this process and to make sure that everything will work out as expected when you are streaming.